Meet our pal Cameron Bruder. Cameron was diagnosed in October 2022 with KMT2A (MLLT10) Leukemia.
This brave little boy had undergone many different treatments with his parents, sister, and extended family by his side
The Tiltons came across Cameron’s story in December from mutual friends, the Grouser family (from G&G Landscaping). In April, after reading an update on Cameron’s Facebook page, Jonette Tilton called her husband, Robert, and told him they needed to find a way to help.
Quickly, with the help of the Grouser family, the Bruder’s Disney trip was booked. At the same time, Barb, Kate, and Kim from the Childhood Leukemia Foundation offered to cover the plane tickets and meals! This trip was a team effort. The Bruders coordinated with Cameron’s doctors and the children’s hospital in Orlando to ensure bloodwork could be done during his trip to not delay treatment when he returned home.
Robert and Jonette contacted several friends and contacts they know at WDW, and the ball started rolling. With the help of our team of Magic Makers, accommodation, dining, and park reservations were made! Cameron enjoyed his stop at the Bippity Boppity Boutique where he picked a Prince Eric costume complete with a shield and sword.
On April 14, Cameron and his family flew to Orlando, FL. When in Disney they stayed at the Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary Resort and the Animal Kingdom Lodge which Cameron especially loved as they could see animals from their room.
On July 21, 2023, Cameron gained his angel wings. Cameron is the inspiration behind Pretzel Wishes, and we will work to help families make magical moments in his memory.
Cameron Bruder
Meet Cameron:
Favorite Disney Character(s): Buzz & Sully
Loved: Arts and Crafts
He was a night owl
Handy Man Hal was his pal
“That trip was a defining moment for me. Cameron’s smile was contagious. Seeing the joy radiating through him as he met his favorite characters and experienced the rides we all know and love. Right then and there - I knew there we could do more. It was on that trip that the concept for Pretzel Wishes was born.”